
Kireina Suiso’s View on Sustainability

Kireina Suiso believes in a net-zero future. Our mission to become a large energy company is built on a strong commitment to sustainability, and our strategy is implemented across the board.

Society must strive toward net-zero emissions, and we intend to be active participants in that effort. Our strategy includes sustainable development, and our integrated reporting provides a summary of how we are addressing our most tangible sustainability impacts.



According to science, the rate of change is too moderate. We agree wholeheartedly. We acknowledge that the transition to a more sustainable energy system is moving quite slowly nowadays. Further delays in policy, business, and consumer action to cut emissions are not possible on a sustainable development path well below the two-degree threshold. To promote decarbonization, the world's energy systems must be altered, and we are working to speed that transformation.


Health and Safety

One of our priorities is to ensure safety for society and for our coworkers. Every day, we aim to make Kireina Suiso a safe and enjoyable place to work for our personnel as well as our partners and suppliers. Our goal is to protect our people, the environment, and our business.


Human Rights

Our people come first, and we tend to be a preferred partner as we focus on protecting their rights. We prioritize individuals, and our dedication to human rights and inclusion is a requirement for our operating company.



Our objectives are as important as the outcomes we obtain. We maximize our focus on achieving greater results. Our journey took us above water, underwater, and a variety of sites on land all over the world. That comes with a lot of responsibility, and we are dedicated to reducing the negative impacts on people and the environment. To earn people's trust and enable long-term value generation, activities must be safe and responsible.



Some people refuse to acknowledge global warming. We are taking action as a result of it. We are focused on the outcomes. We aspire to be one of the world's most CO2-efficient green hydrogen generators, therefore we are investing in renewables now. We are transparent about all of our environmental goals and achievements.


Impact Assessment

Through communication, research, and national and international standards, we analyze risks and manage them successfully. With every project we develop, we assess risk factors and seek to maintain open communication with stakeholders and communities that are impacted.


Energy Perspectives

Nobody has the ability to foresee the future, but our analysts forecast three possible scenarios for how the global economy, international energy markets, and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions will evolve each year. It allows us to consider and debate what may lie ahead.


Corporate Governance

Business governance is a direct reference to responsible corporate management and control aimed at long-term value generation. Good corporate governance requires effective collaboration between the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, as well as regard for stockholder concerns, accessibility, and transparency in corporate communications.

Kireina Suiso supports the transparency and comprehensibility of corporate governance systems and ratifies the management and supervision of Japanese listed companies among national and international investors, customers, employees, and the general public.